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BB Canoe Club Activities

Thursday 29th October 2015

The Boys’ Brigade Canoe club is running a number of training courses during the session. The courses are all run by BB leaders who are also British Canoe Union Coaches and so participants will be able to work towards nationally recognised certificates including BCU paddle sport, 1-3 star and FRST. Each weekend will see two courses running in parallel: one for young people (aged 12 and over) and one for leaders. In addition to paddling skills the leaders’ course will also involve safety, leadership and risk assessment.

Course dates and venues:

11–13 MAR 16 Chirk (Wrexham) North Wales

6-8 MAY 16 Fountain Lodge Forest of Dean

20–22 MAY 16 Tonbridge Kent

24-26 JUN 16 Edinburgh

16-18 SEP 16 Devon (provisional date)

30 SEP – 2 OCT 16 North Wales

All the details can be found online at boysbrigadecanoeclub.co.uk

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