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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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A new year, a fresh start…

Thursday 13th February 2014

A new year is often viewed as a fresh start, frequently with resolutions, made in good faith, to change something for the better.

For many years I have been trying to stop biting my nails, but alas, to no avail. I am sure that you are much more disciplined than I am in achieving your resolutions. Next year I plan to stop being nice – the staff don’t think that will be so much of a challenge for me.

In response to your comments in the survey about the Gazette, welcome to the new year, new look Gazette. Not entirely a complete fresh start as you will recognise much, but more of a re-fresh. It was clear from what you said, that the Gazette is valued, but could be improved to provide you with more ideas and resources to support you in your work. We hope that we have responded well to your feedback, but do let us know.

I know that sometimes people have concerns when things change; we all find comfort in the familiar. However, few of us drive the same car we were happy with twenty years ago, use the same mobile phone that we first purchased and whatever the age of our doctor, we would expect that they were up to date with the latest knowledge.

I am sure that we try to keep our Companies fresh for those that join and for those that have been with us for many years. It’s always useful to review what we do with all age groups in the Company and look at imaginative ways of receiving feedback. Although what we do as a movement might change, the reason why we do it remains constant; Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.

New years are always full of hope and challenge. The challenge is there before us for our Companies to grow bigger and better during the year. Bigger and better so that we might share Jesus with more young people.  May this new year be filled with joy as we continue in many different ways to advance His Kingdom.

Steve Dickinson, Brigade Secretary

Follow Steve on Twitter – @stevedickinsonbb

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