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GET INVOLVED: Parents/Carers & Members Perceptions – we need your help!

Wednesday 1st May 2019

We are carrying out some research to gain a deeper understanding of how we are perceived by our children, young people and parents. The research will enable us to ensure our offering is fit for purpose, providing a high quality experience for each and every young person in The Boys’ Brigade. The findings will be independently gathered and shared across all levels of the organisation.

In order to carryout this research, we need your help to share the survey link below as widely as possible with parents/carers in your Company to ensure a truly diverse response from across the Brigade.

The survey has been designed to be completed by parents/carers, but there is a part within the survey where we are asking children and young people to complete a number of questions. At the appropriate point in the survey the parent/carer is asked to indicate whether they are happy for their child to participate and encourages them to hand the device over to their child to answer a number of questions, for younger children the parent/carer may work through the questions with the child and input the answers on their behalf, but where possible it asks that the child answers these questions themselves before handing back the device to their parent/carer.

Please share the following link with parents/carers:

The survey will only be running until end of May 2019, so please ensure you do not delay in distributing the link, it can be sent out by email, text message or promoted on social media and we would like you to encourage as many parents/carers as possible to complete the survey. We will be providing a prize to the Company which generates the most responses.


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