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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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The Answer’s Out There

Tuesday 9th August 2016

For this issue we asked the following…

“What physical activities would you say are integral with your Company Section – the good old faithful used week in week out?”

In response to this a number of leaders have shared their thoughts.

We run a wide variety of games and sports including football (3-a-side, squash, headers & volleys, table) table tennis, short tennis, volleyball, tenni-quoites and uni-hoc. For a change, we also run team games taken from the book Play It! Great Games for Groups and Play it Again: More Great Games for Groups.

David Brown, 1st Bletchley


“We try to have a different type of physical activity every week. The old favourites (football, dodge ball, uni-hoc) get their turn but we also do team games, circuit training, Finnish floorball, volleyball, defend your area, circle head race, challenges etc and have recently successfully introduced badminton.”

Bruce Laws, 1st Wickham Market


“I’m not a big fan of having week-in-week-out physical games because it needs variety. However, when you return to some old favourites, the ones that work best are ‘Moo’ – a game involving throwing a soft rugby ball around a circle and trying to catch the catcher out (i.e. if you drop it, they shout ‘moo’; if it was a bad throw, they shout ‘boo’) – and dodgeball, uni-hoc by numbers, or crab football.”

Fraser Boyd, 25th Stirling


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